Wiltshire Wildlife Trust - Invasive Non-Native Species


March 2025

The Wiltshire Wildlife Trust are trying to highlight the issues the county faces with invasive non-native species (INNS). Their first task is to educate people to the three main plants that can cause issues and how to identify them. The three main plants are shown in the poster that can be downloaded below.

Wiltshire Wildlife Trust are hoping once the plants are recognised, they can be uploaded onto https://innsmapper.org/home which is also available in a mobile App. This information helps map the extent of these plants and helps Wiltshire Wildlife Trust plan to treat/remove them.

These Invasives not only effect the environment by outcompeting native flora, but they can also impose huge economic burdens. The Wiltshire Wildlife Trust can provide advice on dealing with INNS and sometimes provide treatment. These plants usually raise their heads in the spring months, and continue to grow throughout the year.

Storm Eowyn & Herminia Flood Warden Update From Wiltshire Council


January 2025

We are continuing to see impacts following heavy rainfall from Storms Eowyn and Herminia.

Rainfall totals over the weekend (25th & 26th January 2025) were an average of 30-40mm across Wessex and some of this rain fell as intense downpours. We have seen widespread flooding, from both surface water and rivers, over the weekend and this week.

On this page is the Wiltshire Council Recovery Guide as well as a guide to recovery actions that anyone affected can take. This includes information on insurance and cleaning up.

Reporting Flooding

Flooding should be reported to Wiltshire Council as soon as you can if your home or business has flooded. We understand it is a difficult time when people are affected by flooding however, we would encourage those affected to report property flooding as close to the event as possible.

Wiltshire Bobby Van - Cyber Crime Insights


January 2025

The Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust invites you to an exclusive series of four expert talks on cybercrime. Learn about the latest trends, technical and psychological tricks and how to identify them from knowledgeable speakers. Each 60-minute session will start at 9:15am and will be followed by a networking opportunity with refreshments at The Business Cyber Centre (BCC), Chippenham, SN15 1BN. 

For more information and to book tickets please contact Wiltshire Bobby Van on 01225 595090 or visit their website www.wiltshirebobbyvan.org.uk

Police and Crime Commissioner's Precept consultation survey 2025 - Use Your Voice!


January 2025

Wiltshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner is asking all residents to use their voice and identify how much extra they would be prepared to pay for policing – and why.

PCC Philip Wilkinson’s annual Use Your Voice: Budget and Precept survey seeks the views of residents and stakeholders as the budget for policing and commissioned services for the next financial year (2025/6) is developed. #MakingWiltshireSafer

Use your voice and complete our quick survey: bit.ly/UseYourVoicePrecept25

Cost of Living Support


January 2025

Royal Wootton Bassett & Cricklade Area Board are working in partnership with key local organisations to bring you the most up to date cost of lining support. Please click below for more information. 

DEFRA's Property Flood Resilience (PFR) Repair Grant Scheme – Storm Babet (Oct 23) & Storm Henk (Jan 24)

Wiltshire Council


December 2024

Wiltshire Council are offering grants to help homes and businesses become more resilient to flooding by helping to pay for a range of property improvements. 

Closing dates: 

Storm Babet (Oct 23) - 1st July 2025

Storm Hank (Jan 24) - 1st October 2025

Please contact Wiltshire Council for further details. 

A Guide to Preparing for a Flood and Protecting your Property


October 2024
According to the Environment Agency, over two million people in England live and work in properties at risk of flooding from rivers or the sea, whilst more face flood threats from groundwater, surface water, sewers, and reservoirs.

In extreme conditions you won't be able to stop flood water, and you should always put personal safety above attempts to protect property and possessions. Despite this, there are steps that you can take to keep water out, to buy yourself time to preserve property and possessions, and to limit the damage that flood water does.
At Gocompare, they have put together a guide to preparing for a flood and protecting your property; view it here - https://www.gocompare.com/household-tips/limiting-flood-risk-and-damage/

Royal Wootton Bassett Banking Hub location confirmed


October 2023

Road Closure 15 May 2023 C76 (Part), Tockenham and Brinkworth; from its property known as Manor House, Tockenham for a distance of approximately 610m in a northerly direction.

C76 (Part), Tockenham and Brinkworth; from its property known as Manor House, Tockenham


March 2023

https://api-gb.one.network/downloads/tm/1142/indicative-plan_132787242_3553338_e36bc113b4.pdfhttps://api-gb.one.network/downloads/tm/1142/indicative-plan_132787242_3553338_e36bc113b4.pdfWiltshire Council

Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

Temporary Closure of: C76 (Part), Tockenham and Brinkworth (Ref: TTRO 8665)

Notice is hereby given that the Wiltshire Council has made an Order to close temporarily to all traffic: C76 (Part), Tockenham and Brinkworth; from its property known as Manor House, Tockenham for a distance of approximately 610m in a northerly direction. To enable: Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd to carry out vegetation removal, brickwork repairs and other associated works.

Alternative route: via C76 (unaffected length) – C122 – A3102 – C76 (unaffected length) and vice versa.

The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs.

This Order will come into operation on 15 May 2023 and the closure will be required between the hours of 22:00 and 06:00 for 4 nights It is anticipated that the works will take the stated duration to complete depending upon weather conditions. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works. The Order will have a maximum duration of 18 months.

For further information please contact Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd on 0345 711 4141.

Sustainable Transport Group, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN 11 May 2023

Community Directory


October 2022

Energy Rebate Update


May 2022

Climate Change


September 2021

Surviving Winter Grant £200 scheme still open from Age UK Wiltshire

Could you be entitled to £100s off your fuel bills? £200 Wiltshire Surviving Winter Grant You could be eligible if you: 

• Are over State Pension age 

• Receive a means-tested benefit or have annual income below £16,996 (single person household) / £26,113 (other households) 

 • Worry about the cost of heating

 We also advise on other benefits and schemes