Wiltshire Wildlife Trust - Invasive Non-Native Species


The Wiltshire Wildlife Trust are trying to highlight the issues the county faces with invasive non-native species (INNS). Their first task is to educate people to the three main plants that can cause issues and how to identify them. The three main plants are shown in the poster that can be downloaded below.

Wiltshire Wildlife Trust are hoping once the plants are recognised, they can be uploaded onto https://innsmapper.org/home which is also available in a mobile App. This information helps map the extent of these plants and helps Wiltshire Wildlife Trust plan to treat/remove them.

These Invasives not only effect the environment by outcompeting native flora, but they can also impose huge economic burdens. The Wiltshire Wildlife Trust can provide advice on dealing with INNS and sometimes provide treatment. These plants usually raise their heads in the spring months, and continue to grow throughout the year.

Additional Documents

INNS poster 2.0.pdf