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    Welcome to Tockenham Parish Council

Tockenham Parish Council

Welcome to the Tockenham Parish Council website. It has been designed as a “one-stop shop” for parishioners and the wider community and is intended to provide up to date and historical information on all Parish Council related matters, including meetings and decisions.

The Parish Council today provides a vital part of local democracy, representing views, and guarding local interests with Wiltshire Council, and many other agencies. The Parish Council is elected for a 4-year term and each year sets an annual precept which is used primarily for maintaining the recreation ground and the local surroundings as well as essential insurance cover. It meets in the Village Hall,) approximately every 2 months to discuss parish council business. All local residents are welcome to attend any of the meetings, as members of the public. If you have any specific issues that you would like to raise at a Tockenham Parish Council Meeting, or any questions that you would like to ask, please submit them to the clerk beforehand at

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 12th March 2025 at 7pm at the Tockenham Village Hall.

Latest Parish News

Wiltshire Wildlife Trust - Invasive Non-Native Species


March 2025
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust

The Wiltshire Wildlife Trust are trying to highlight the issues the county faces with invasive non-native species (INNS). Their first task is to educate people to the three main plants that can cause issues and how to identify them. The three main plants are shown in the poster that can be downloaded below.

Wiltshire Wildlife Trust are hoping once the plants are recognised, they can be uploaded onto which is also available in a mobile App. This information helps map the extent of these plants and helps Wiltshire Wildlife Trust plan to treat/remove them.

These Invasives not only effect the environment by outcompeting native flora, but they can also impose huge economic burdens. The Wiltshire Wildlife Trust can provide advice on dealing with INNS and sometimes provide treatment. These plants usually raise their heads in the spring months, and continue to grow throughout the year.

Storm Eowyn & Herminia Flood Warden Update From Wiltshire Council


January 2025

We are continuing to see impacts following heavy rainfall from Storms Eowyn and Herminia.

Rainfall totals over the weekend (25th & 26th January 2025) were an average of 30-40mm across Wessex and some of this rain fell as intense downpours. We have seen widespread flooding, from both surface water and rivers, over the weekend and this week.

On this page is the Wiltshire Council Recovery Guide as well as a guide to recovery actions that anyone affected can take. This includes information on insurance and cleaning up.

Reporting Flooding

Flooding should be reported to Wiltshire Council as soon as you can if your home or business has flooded. We understand it is a difficult time when people are affected by flooding however, we would encourage those affected to report property flooding as close to the event as possible.

History, Charm & Community Spirit

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